From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Propagation attacks

Propagation attacks

- [Chapple] The open nature of wireless networks makes them perfect targets for attacks that prey upon radio wave propagation. Attackers can simply use strong antennas and pull signals out of the air for analysis. Let's talk about a few wireless attacks based upon radio wave propagation. Jamming and interference attacks seek to deny users legitimate access to a wireless network. Attackers don't try to gain access to the network itself or eavesdrop on communications in this attack. They simply want to stop other people from using the network. In a jamming attack, the attacker brings a powerful transmitter into the vicinity of the wireless network and broadcasts a very strong signal that overpowers the legitimate wireless access points. It's the equivalent of placing someone in a crowded stadium and asking them to have a conversation with someone located a few feet away. The noise overwhelms the conversation. In wardriving attacks, attackers go mobile. They walk or drive around a…
