From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Testing BC/DR plans

Testing BC/DR plans

- [Instructor] Disaster recovery plans are critical to ensuring the continuity of business operations. Like any security control, they should be tested to ensure that they function properly, and will be ready to restore business operations in the event of a disruption. Each test of a disaster recovery plan has two goals. First, it validates that the plan functions correctly, and the technology will work in the event of a disaster. Second, it provides an opportunity to identify necessary updates to the plan due to technology or business process changes. Let's talk about four types of disaster recovery testing, tabletop exercises, simulations, parallel processing tests, and failover tests. Tabletop exercises involve getting everyone together around the same table to review the plan together. They're simple but effective, because they give the team the opportunity to discuss the plan together. The next level of disaster recovery testing is the simulation. As with the tabletop exercise…
