From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Vendor information management

Vendor information management

- [Instructor] As organizations increasingly use vendors for services that include the storage, processing, and transmission of sensitive information, they must pay careful attention to the vendor's information management practices. Data ownership issues often arise in supplier relationships, particularly when the vendor is creating information on behalf of the customer. Agreements put in place prior to beginning a new vendor relationship should contain clear language around data ownership. In most cases, a customer will want to ensure that the customer retains uninhibited ownership of the information and that the vendor's right to use the information is carefully limited to activities performed on behalf of and with the knowledge and consent of the customer. In addition, customers should ensure that the contract includes language that requires that the vendor securely delete all customer information within an acceptable period of time after the relationship ends. One particular area…
