From the course: Conflict Resolution Foundations
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Playing the name, blame, and claim game
From the course: Conflict Resolution Foundations
Playing the name, blame, and claim game
- Conflicts sprout up 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Why is that? Well, we're human, and in relationship to one another we have conflicting wants, needs, goals, values. We have imbalances in our access to resources, and we have different opinions about the rules that should govern everyone's conduct. So we argue. So let's take a look at the anatomy of conflict and how we get locked into what I call the name, blame, claim cycle. Conflict erupts when three circumstances come together at the same time. The belief that you're being deprived of something you need or want. This is the name part of the cycle. The belief that someone else is causing the deprivation. This is the blame part of the cycle. And the belief that that deprivation violates a value, a social norm, or rule. This is the claim part of the cycle. So let's say Mark forgets to include his manager, Lily, in an email loop about a new project he wants.…
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