From the course: Construction Management: Planning and Scheduling

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Scheduling's impact on productivity

Scheduling's impact on productivity

- Throughout this course, I've talked about the importance of proper planning, and the fact that it takes experienced people to properly plan a construction project. There can be a lot of activities to consider, and it takes experience to understand how some of these activities relate to one another. It's easy to see how poor planning can affect productivity at the site, but even with the best of plans, sometimes scheduling can impact productivity as well. Oftentimes, the contract will call for a required completion date, instead of a number of working, or calendar, days. So there's a very specific target date for turning the project over to the owner. I worked on the foundations for a big toy store one time, and they had an absolute date that the building had to be turned over to them, so that they could stock the store, and be open in time for the holiday shopping. That date was firm, nothing else mattered to them. If they missed the holiday sales, they had no need to take…
