From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

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How to craft a job description that resonates

How to craft a job description that resonates

From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

How to craft a job description that resonates

- There are all sorts of ways to approach writing a job description, but how do you know what will resonate with the potential job candidates? Let's take a closer look. - [Instructor] Let's start by looking at one of the biggest mistakes many companies make, using another company's job description. Job descriptions are often co-opted from previous job descriptions. They're cut and pasted so often that few people scrutinize the content or spend time justifying the qualifications. Suppose a company has an opening for a new role, well, why not co-opt the language for the job description from a peer company? After all, you're vying for the same pool of candidates, right? Well, it may turn out and it may be easier, but you have to ask yourself, does it make your company or the role stand out? - Invest the time in creating your own job descriptions. It's okay if you want to reuse them. Just make sure they're unique to your…
