From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management
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How to create a more robust and efficient interview process
From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management
How to create a more robust and efficient interview process
- Setting up an interview process may seem straightforward, but they're often inefficient and don't provide the essential information, hiring managers need to make informed decisions. Let's look at ways you can improve your interview process. - [Instructor] First, split all interviewers into two groups: primary and secondary. The primary team consists of people on the main team the data scientists will work with on a daily basis, the secondary group or outside people representative of the larger business. Remember to assign topics to each interviewer in advance to avoid redundant questioning. Next, organize the interviewers from the primary team to cover the three topic areas: programming and coding, math and statistics, machine learning. Programming and coding skills should be assessed using real coding exercises. Take-home exercises are typically bigger projects but don't allow the interviewer to see the job…
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How to create a more robust and efficient interview process3m 18s
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