From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

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How to create a pathway to promotion

How to create a pathway to promotion

- For data scientists, promotion don't just happen. They're earned. If you're looking to get a team member promoted or get promoted yourself, there's specific steps you need to take. Let's examine these steps, how to identify areas of opportunity for growth, and ultimately, move up the ladder. Promotions of any size company can be complex because rarely are they based entirely on merit. So one thing you definitely don't want to do is promise someone a promotion, nor should you promise a promotion by a specific date. There are simply too many factors outside your control to ensure 100% probability of promotion. And besides, in data science, we never say 100% probability anyway. The first step you'll need to take as a manager is to ensure that the promotion is warranted and justifiable. And as a manager, you should be explicit about the goals that need to be met for the promotion to occur. These should not be easy…
