From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management
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How to justify increasing the headcount for your company
From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management
How to justify increasing the headcount for your company
- Requesting additional headcount can be difficult, especially during lean economic times. Here's how to create a convincing argument for new data scientist hires. As we discussed in the first video, you've got to start by looking at the business goals to understand how to accurately define what a quote-unquote win looks like in your company's eyes. But that's not all. The next step is creating a story around the trajectory of those goals. Using our fictitious e-commerce company as an example, one might say that, in general, the company is investing more in machine learning-based solutions to improve the customer experience. Those experiences are technically complex and require a myriad of skills that we currently don't have. So in essence, you're identifying the trajectory of the end goal and then illustrating the trajectory of solutions needed to achieve the goal. Providing tangible details here about what is…