From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

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How to set priorities for the team: A three-layer approach

How to set priorities for the team: A three-layer approach

From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

How to set priorities for the team: A three-layer approach

- Ensuring your data science team is successful means setting priorities. With the number of tasks and projects that demand attention, understanding how to create and enforce prioritization systems is essential. Let's look at some of these systems now and how they're built. First, remember that setting priorities is not just about what to do, but what not to do. This organizing principle is the basic construct for all prioritization strategies. Keep in mind that prioritization is one of five operational tasks you must enable as a data science leader. Taken together, they provide the framework for day-to-day tasks across the team, and they include the following. One, define the business goals that your data science team will be working to achieve. Two, assign prioritization of each task. Three, create a system for tracking progress and measuring results. Four, regularly review and update goals, tasks, and priorities…
