From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management
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Key principles for managing data scientists for a mid-sized company
From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management
Key principles for managing data scientists for a mid-sized company
- Leading a successful data science team is challenging no matter the organization size but mid-size companies have a unique set of challenges requiring a unique set of management skills. Let's take a look at a few of those skills to help maximize success for mid-size companies specifically. Mid-size companies are unique in that they require more processes and operational scaffolding than small companies, but adding too much too soon can cause the company to suffocate under the weight of those processes. So an important concept to understand right away is that you have to "rightsize" the operations accordingly. When managing data scientists for mid-size companies, there are at least three things you should be mindful of. First, in a mid-size company, you're likely to add layers to the organizational structure, unlike a startup which typically has more of a flat hierarchy. But be careful. Don't create too many layers too…
How to choose a management model that works for you3m 11s
How to manage in-office workers vs. remote workers3m 16s
Key principles for managing data scientists for a small company2m 46s
Key principles for managing data scientists for a mid-sized company2m 35s
Key principles for managing data scientists for a large company3m 7s
How to determine the appropriate processes to incorporate3m 17s
How to avoid the Player/Coach trap3m
How to set priorities for the team: A three-layer approach3m 39s