From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

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Recruit with DEI in mind

Recruit with DEI in mind

- D, E and I. Diversity, equity and inclusion are top of mind for many companies and hiring managers, but it's not always a straightforward process. Here's some things to keep in mind, and some tips for successfully diversifying your team. First of all, be mindful of job descriptions. Think critically about what the job description says about your company and its culture. Remember that diversity isn't relegated to gender and ethnicity, and includes diversity and background, experience, and thinking. Ultimately, the goal is to hire people who know how to create diversity and not simply hire people who exemplify it. Diversity, and most importantly, diverse thinking is important because the combination of thinking creates a more robust end product, the same way two metals form an overall stronger alloy. The combination of predispositions, educational backgrounds, and real world experiences results in a more…
