From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

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What are the skills to prioritize when hiring data scientists

What are the skills to prioritize when hiring data scientists

From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

What are the skills to prioritize when hiring data scientists

- One of the things that makes data scientists unique is their unique set of skills, but those skills are non-uniform, so which skills exactly should you be looking for? Let's revisit the core skillset. As discussed in a previous video, all data scientists have three core skills, math and stats, programming, and machine learning theory. And as we mentioned, machine learning theory is perhaps the most important because it separates data scientists from what we call machine learning operators. But what about the other two, programming and math and statistics? Statistics breaks down into two categories, descriptive statistics for summarizing data, and inferential statistics, used for conducting small scale experiments that generalize to a larger population. Data scientists should understand both. Math skills, namely linear algebra, is typically a prerequisite for data scientists, too. Linear algebra is used for…
