From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

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When to fight for an employee and when to let go

When to fight for an employee and when to let go

From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

When to fight for an employee and when to let go

- It can be challenging to know when it's worth fighting and providing extra resources to save an employee and when you should take action and maybe let them go. Employers must decide between continuing support for employees having difficulty in their current role, or making the decision about a change that may be uncomfortable but ultimately necessary for the organization's success. Let's examine two scenarios in detail so that employers have helpful guidance on making these decisions. The first is when it makes sense to persist with an employee and provide the additional support needed. The other is cutting ties despite the disruption that will invariably ensue. A key factor to consider is whether or not the employee has a history of improving their performance over time. If they do, you may be justified in taking steps to help them improve such as offering extra training or additional guidance, especially if the problem…
