From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

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Which steps should you take before considering terminating an employee

Which steps should you take before considering terminating an employee

From the course: Data Science Team Lifecycle Management

Which steps should you take before considering terminating an employee

- Employee termination is one of the most sensitive matters a data science leader has to grapple with. Decisions made in terminating an employee must be handled delicately, because legal and ethical implications can impact organizational reputation and promote litigation costs. Firing an employee should never be taken lightly and involves carefully considering the potential risks and downstream effects for both employer and former employee. Let's explore the things you should consider before terminating an employee from your company or organization. The first thing you'll want to define is the reason for the termination. It's important to have a valid and justifiable reason for terminating any employee, such as poor performance or violation of company policies. Keep a detailed record of the grounds for termination including meeting notes and relevant correspondence that support the decision. Assuming the termination's…
