From the course: Deploying Enterprise Azure Secure Landing Zones with Terraform
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Cloud Adoption Framework: Strategy - Azure Tutorial
From the course: Deploying Enterprise Azure Secure Landing Zones with Terraform
Cloud Adoption Framework: Strategy
- [Instructor] For the Cloud Adoption Framework strategy, we want to understand why we're moving to Azure. This is a common question for both businesses and technical stakeholders. If the answer is our board or CIO or C-level executives told us to move to the cloud, then it may be more difficult for those businesses to achieve their expected outcomes. By understanding these motivations, business justifications and business outcomes, we can then begin to plan successful Cloud Adoption Framework strategy. First, we'll want to develop a Cloud Adoption Framework strategy. In this module, we'll cover defining and documenting common motivations, documenting expected business outcomes, evaluating our financial considerations, and understanding our technical considerations. Let's begin by mapping out our business strategy. We'll begin by defining and documenting our motivations. There are a few common motivations for the…