From the course: Deploying Enterprise Azure Secure Landing Zones with Terraform
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Configuring your design area - Azure Tutorial
From the course: Deploying Enterprise Azure Secure Landing Zones with Terraform
Configuring your design area
- [Instructor] Congrats, you've made it this far. And we'll finally begin configuring our design areas for enterprise-scale Azure Secure Landing Zone. I'm going to begin with our file. I am going to actually recommend pasting the locals block in. Unless you want to practice your mapping and take some time manually typing out, you're going to save a ton of time by just copy and pasting. So our identity configuration block is just a ton of booleans on whether we want to implement some basic Azure policy. I currently have this as enabled. So if you don't want to deploy these identity Azure policies, you can mark that as false, and we can go down to a more granular level of specific types of Azure policy. So I'm going to keep my deny public IP address as true, as well as denying RDPs from the internet and denying subnets without network security groups. I am also not going to enable deploying Azure Backups on…
Pulling in the ASLZ library from the Microsoft source library2m 57s
File organization for the ASLZ1m 22s
Creating your main configuration6m 46s
Configuring your variables8m 1s
Configuring your design area6m 33s
Deploy your ASLZ configuration4m 48s
Challenge: Create an ASLZ55s
Solution: Create an ASLZ3m 18s