From the course: Deploying Enterprise Azure Secure Landing Zones with Terraform
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Configuring your variables - Azure Tutorial
From the course: Deploying Enterprise Azure Secure Landing Zones with Terraform
Configuring your variables
- [Instructor] Congrats, you now have your main configuration file set up. So let's update our variable file. I'm going to add a comment since we'll begin by creating our root variables, so I'll name this root variables up here. The first block I'll make is called Root Variable root_id. This is a string type, so do type equals string. And the default value, I'm going to name it terraform. This has to be less than 10 characters, so be aware of your length of your default value, or your variable value. Next, we'll create a variable block for our root name. I like to keep it the same since it's going to create a standardized naming convention. So again, this is a string type. I'm going to create that default value to equal terraform. We now have our root variables ready to go. So let's create our variables for our connectivity configuration. Our first variable block will be variable, and deploy connectivity resources. And…
Pulling in the ASLZ library from the Microsoft source library2m 57s
File organization for the ASLZ1m 22s
Creating your main configuration6m 46s
Configuring your variables8m 1s
Configuring your design area6m 33s
Deploy your ASLZ configuration4m 48s
Challenge: Create an ASLZ55s
Solution: Create an ASLZ3m 18s