From the course: Design a Compelling Presentation

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A simple background

A simple background

- [Voiceover] Your background is your stage. I recommend keeping it plain and your contrast high. That's for clarity. The highest contrast is black against white, or white against black, which makes 100% difference between foreground and background. Type on a colored field can be very attractive, but will generally be harder to read. If you have a mood to set, know that black tends to be formal and white informal. Otherwise, when it's possible, choose your background for the room you'll be in. The rule of thumb is, light room, light background, dark room, dark background. I prefer a light room for interaction with the audience, which means my background needs to be bright and my contrast high. A dark screen in a light room will often wash out, at least somewhat, unless you have a very powerful projector, which is fairly rare, so your slides will be harder to read, and not as pretty. On the other hand, a white screen in a dark room is like headlights in your eyes, like blinding…
