From the course: Design a Compelling Presentation

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Dramatize information

Dramatize information

- Data has no meaning without context. One of the coolest challenges in designing slides is to dramatize information to help your audience visualize it, understand it, and make it more meaningful. I have three examples. First is a chart that shows the population of the U.S. compared to seven countries. What does this mean? The data by itself is pretty lifeless. So, think why are we showing it? What's the point that we want people to remember? In this case, it's that the U.S. is not as big as it seems at least to us. So let's dramatize that. How about with these slides? If Earth's population, 7.4 billion people were represented by a village of 100, four would live in the United States. That's dramatic. It was a challenge. It for sure takes more effort than a bar chart, but it's much more effective. Another example. This is an ordinary bar chart comparing the viscosity of three motor-oils. Viscosity is the flowability of the oil. You might think of it as the gooeyness like honey versus…
