From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

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A Brazilian professional pitching in the UK

A Brazilian professional pitching in the UK

From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

A Brazilian professional pitching in the UK

- Bruno works for a Brazilian construction company asked to present its information as a potential supplier for a British company based in the UK. Bruno has traveled to Portugal and Turkey, but has never visited England. The presentation is scheduled outside of London. Now, Bruno met a couple of engineers from this specific company at a trade show the previous year. His 45-minute presentation needs to showcase his company in hopes that the UK decision-makers will consider a proposed five-year contract. Bruno starts by assessing the situation, and researches cultural differences with the potential audience. He knows that the UK ranks at a lower context index compared to Brazil, and is more of a monochronic culture. So related to his presentation, here is what he should be asking himself. How might he have to adapt his presentation style and possibly get to the point faster? If the audience asks questions, will they be more direct than he's used to? Does he need to prepare with precise…
