From the course: Developing Secure Software

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Other secure coding leading practices

Other secure coding leading practices

From the course: Developing Secure Software

Other secure coding leading practices

- [Narrator] There are quite a few more easy-to-make coding mistakes that are well-publicized, but still occur every day. As in buffer overflow attack scenarios, input validation can make a big difference in preventing other common attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting. SQL injection typically appends a piece of SQL code to an expected user input so that the database engine executes the unexpected SQL code portion of the user input to produce the outcome desired by the attackers. These outcomes could be bypassing authentication or retrieving additional data. Cross-site scripting also embeds malicious code into the user input so that the code gets executed on another website that was not originally intended to be used by the attackers. Remember that more fundamental solutions are necessary to address many of these attacks exploiting input validation vulnerabilities. The key here is an architectural solution that is overarching and lasting. An example of this kind of…
