From the course: Digital Marketing Tools: Create a Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish
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Create marketing campaign content with Canva
From the course: Digital Marketing Tools: Create a Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish
Create marketing campaign content with Canva
- [Instructor] All right, the time has come. We've done a lot of planning, it's time to start creating our actual content. Now, there are a number of different tools that you can use. I'm going to show you how to easily create some content with Canva. So let's move on over to Canva. Obviously, you could be using tools like Photoshop and Illustrator, InDesign, if you're a graphic artist or have a graphic team, but I want to show you an easy way to create some content using Canva. If you don't really know where to start and you just need to create like a banner ad or a social media post. So here I am at I'm logged into an account. This is a free account. So, I'm not having access to any extra features. And right from the homepage, you'll notice that we have a number of different options for creating content. With Canva we can create presentations, social media, video, print, marketing, all sorts of stuff.…