From the course: Digital Marketing Tools: Create a Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish

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Find affiliates and influencers for your campaign

Find affiliates and influencers for your campaign

- [Instructor] Using affiliates and influencers as part of your marketing campaign is a great way to get some help from people outside of your organization. Now, affiliates are about as old as the internet itself and influencers seem to be all of the modern rage. So what's the difference? Let's talk about it. First of all, affiliates tend to earn their commission from referral sales. That is, they only get paid when somebody buys a product or service that they promoted, and they tend to do this by building websites and using a lot of SEO and content marketing to get people to their website. And then they talk about your product or service and those people decide to buy it. They don't have to put their face on camera or anything like that. They mostly use websites. Influencers on the other hand, first of all get paid just for promoting your products and services on their social channels. They don't have to actually sell…
