From the course: Digital Strategy
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Start with customer obsession
From the course: Digital Strategy
Start with customer obsession
- For over a century, Gillette has ruled the world of shaving. A decade back, it commanded 70% of the U.S. market. Today, around 50%. The major culprits behind this colossal lost, Dollar Shave Club and Harry's, a pair of direct to consumer startups. The secret to their success, a relatively narrow product line, heavy reliance on social media to build brand awareness, using data and machine learning to fine tune marketing, no middleman, outsourced manufacturing, and prices well below those of Gillette. Similar direct to consumer brands are attacking incumbents across many categories, such as Warby Parker in eyeglasses, Casper in mattresses, Allbirds in sneakers, and Barnabas in men's clothing. Direct to consumer brands captured an estimated 13% of all online retail sales in the US in 2018. Established brands, consumer or industrial, are under greater attack than ever. New entrants face lower entry barriers and have no…