From the course: Ecommerce Marketing with Generative AI

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Create AI customer personas for synthetic focus groups

Create AI customer personas for synthetic focus groups

From the course: Ecommerce Marketing with Generative AI

Create AI customer personas for synthetic focus groups

- Whether it's e-commerce marketing or any other type of retail engagement, your customer is key, and you need to understand their needs and figure out how your brand can help. Customer personas are a good place to start, and you can get a clear picture of your audience using generative AI. First, describe your customers to your go-to AI platform. Include demographic details, what their behavior's like, and their psychographic data too. If you have a CRM, or customer relationship management platform, you can also use that, making sure you don't add in any proprietary or private information. Do this for each of your customer segments, and soon, you'll have a set of synthetic characters who represent your customers. You can even name them if you want to make them seem more real, and you'll be able to talk with them and ask them questions about your brand. For instance, you could share a concept for an ad and ask what they think, or if they have any other suggestions. You could do A/B…
