From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization
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Create an email marketing calendar - MailChimp Tutorial
From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization
Create an email marketing calendar
- [Instructor] When you have a lot of marketing to manage, one of the best ways you can stay organized is by having an email marketing calendar. Without one, you run the risk of getting distracted and drifting away from your business goals. So what's an email marketing calendar? Well, briefly, it shows you the kinds of messaging you'll be focusing on throughout the year. A great email marketing calendar will also show you which customers will receive each message and when they will receive it. Sometimes called content calendars or editorial calendars, the essence is the same. It helps you stay organized. A marketing calendar creates a regular messaging heartbeat to meet your business goals and stay consistent with your email marketing strategy. The benefit is that it turns your marketing strategy into real content that will be created by your team and delivered to customers. The results can be tracked and quantified year…
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