From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

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Develop powerful email calls to action

Develop powerful email calls to action - MailChimp Tutorial

From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

Develop powerful email calls to action

- [Instructor] So you've inspired your reader to open the email, and you've held their interest. Now it's time to get them to click. The call to action, or CTA, is a very important part of your email message, because after all, why are you doing all this work? You want to see some action, right? CTAs have a particularly important and sensitive place in email marketing. How do you inspire your readers to take action? Asking the reader to do something means giving them a reason to stop what they're doing and take action instead, but most readers need a reason to do that. They want to know what's in it for them. Let's take a look at how you can get results from your calls to action. Some research indicates that CTAs designed as buttons rather than text links get better click rates. But if you really want to know what works better for your audience, I suggest trying a few messages as A/B tests to see if you get better…
