From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

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Digital nudges with email

Digital nudges with email

- [Narrator] Does your email marketing strategy include digital nudges? You already know what a nudge is. It's a helpful prod or push to draw someone's attention and encourage them to do something. We all make small decisions every minute of our lives. Should I take the elevator or the stairs, oatmeal or eggs for breakfast? Walk the dog now, or later? You can build digital nudges into your email marketing strategy and it can be quite effective. The essence of nudge marketing is in facilitating quick decision-making by creating easy and hassle-free experiences for your audience. Nudge marketing is all about designing how you present your audience with choices that encourage them to make decisions. An email is one of the most perfect places for nudge marketing. It's a great format for customer-centric marketing messages that engage your subscribers, encourage them, and ultimately increase conversions and build trust.…
