From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

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Master personalization

Master personalization

- [Instructor] We've reached the tipping point where personalization of marketing activities is not only possible, content personalization is now expected by readers. If your brand can cut through the clutter in my inbox and thrill me with something I want or didn't know I need, you've got my attention. Think about the recommendations that brands like Netflix and Amazon have built. Their predictions can sometimes feel like they're reading your mind, and there's a fine line too. According to research giant Gartner, brands need to think carefully about how they personalize their content. If customers recognize that several dimensions of their personal data is required to deliver that message, it can start to feel creepy. If you use fewer data points and lead your messaging with helping and supporting your audience, it feels more authentic. Let's talk us about some of the things that the average marketer can use to…
