From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization
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Use personas to personalize email - MailChimp Tutorial
From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization
Use personas to personalize email
- [Narrator] Customer personas are the heart of any email marketing strategy. A persona is a semi-fictional representation of your customer. Ideally, your personas are based on real data like demographics, behaviors, and goals. Knowing your customer personas is the key to marketing your brand in a way that your customers are open to receiving. There are many ways that an email marketing strategy can be supported by your customer personas. Just like your customers are different people, the same email shouldn't be sent to everyone in your list. Let's say one of your personas is called Lacey. She's a busy mom, has a full-time job, and a new baby. And let's say that you own a yoga studio, and you want to expand your student roster, but you have limited space, and can only fit 15 students in a class. Lacey lives in your area, and she used to take lots of yoga classes at your studio. She used to pay a monthly fee. Now she can…
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