From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography (2019)

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Trust models

Trust models

- [Narrator] The concept of trust plays a big role in cyber security. And it also does in cryptography, there are multiple different ways of thinking of trust, and there are four different trust models that we think of in digital certificates. First a single authority, hierarchical trust, web of trust and cross certification. The single authority trust, it means there is a single third party agency that is trusted, and only keys that are signed by that single authority are trusted. So I have a single point that I am considering my ground truth, I will accept anything that is signed or generated by that single authority, my single ground truth. Next is hierarchical trust. This is the idea that I have essentially kind of a tree of trust. I have my root certificate authority, so my original ground truth, so it starts thinking very similar to the single authority but what I've gone and as I've expanded to say that…
