From the course: Ethical Hacking: Vulnerability Analysis

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Bug bounty white hat hacking

Bug bounty white hat hacking

- [Instructor] Industry takes vulnerabilities very seriously as a breach can cause a critical outage or even a catastrophic financial loss. Companies such as Pinterest, Skyscanner, and will pay white hat hackers to find vulnerabilities. We know that vulnerability analysis is very important, but the question is, why don't we do it? Well, sometimes the problem is a lack of education. Or for many of us, you may not even know where to begin. Well, there is help. Now, I'm at this webpage hackerone, where you can see that they have a bug bounty program for companies and it gives some basics. If you are a company, what you might pay the hacker to find the vulnerabilities and what you might want in the form of compensation. But if you're just starting your journey to becoming an ethical hacker, or you're a company that needs to train their employees on vulnerability assessments, or even if you're a seasoned white hat…
