From the course: Ethical Hacking: Vulnerability Analysis
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Firewalls and HIDS
From the course: Ethical Hacking: Vulnerability Analysis
Firewalls and HIDS
We know that the operating system can be a vulnerable target. Firewalls and host intrusion prevention systems can be installed on an endpoint to defend the operating system. Firewalls are used in industry today to allow or deny traffic and control access based on a set of rules. As traffic passes through the device, the firewall checks the data and provides a defense strategy to protect the network. Firewalls can be either hardware-based or software-based. Many times an organization will use a hardware firewall as part of a router that can protect an entire network. A personal firewall is generally software-based and it is used on an endpoint. A software firewall is installed on the endpoint and can be customized according to the user's needs. A personal firewall can do many of the same things as a hardware-based firewall, such as restrict access to specified services and monitor all the traffic that comes into the host.…
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