From the course: Ethical Hacking: Vulnerability Analysis

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Vulnerability management life cycle

Vulnerability management life cycle

- [Instructor] Threats exist, as well as vulnerabilities. You can control the threats, however, you can reduce overall risk by reducing the vulnerabilities. Vulnerability management constantly progresses through a lifecycle that includes baseline, assess vulnerabilities, assess risks, remediate, verify, and monitor. To achieve real value from a vulnerability assessment, begin with an initial study that helps identify the assets and defines the risk and possible business impact. Completing this exercise helps to answer the question, why are we doing this? Because once the organization understands the overall impact of a cyberattack, they'll be more vested in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities. A baseline is a snapshot of network traffic during a particular window of time. You can take a look at the utilization, the protocols, and latency issues. This baseline should be done over a couple days to learn what normal…
