From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Designing Custom Visualizations
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Building a dynamic dashboard, part 2 - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Designing Custom Visualizations
Building a dynamic dashboard, part 2
- [Instructor] Okay, so welcome to part two of our interactive dashboard demo. The goal of part two is to essentially add some more interactivity to the dashboard that we built out in part one. So looking at our original dashboard, you'll see that we chose to visualize three different pairs of metrics. We're showing hits and average, at bats, and RBI, and stolen base and stolen base rate, but what if a user would rather see runs and caught stealing or triples and strikeouts? What if they want to see any different combination of the columns that we've included here? To allow that to happen, we need to create a dynamic version of one of these charts, such that a user can select any two metrics and those metrics would be visualized. So let's start by just rearranging things a little bit. I'm going to shift click these two charts, shrink 'em down just a little bit, and I'm going to just reposition one above the other. And then this third one is the one that I'm going to turn into my…
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Setting expectations1m 8s
Image overlay chart6m 1s
Binary ranges5m 2s
Automation with OFFSET and COUNTA7m 8s
Interactivity with form controls12m 30s
Animating changes over time14m 3s
Building a dynamic dashboard, part 116m 10s
Building a dynamic dashboard, part 212m 8s
Value-based formatting10m 10s
Dynamic series selection10m 26s
Custom pacing chart10m 23s
Custom gauge chart9m 58s
Visualizing percentages with arrays7m 16s