From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Designing Custom Visualizations
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Setting expectations - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Designing Custom Visualizations
Setting expectations
- [Instructor] All right, so by now you're probably a master of just about every chart type that Excel 2016 has to offer, so let's go ahead and turn things up a notch. In this next section we're going to dive into some really unique, really advanced, next-level data-vis exercises, but before we do, let's just take one minute to set some expectations. Number one, advanced charts and graphs often require the use of advanced formulas and functions. At the end of the day, that's what makes them advanced. So, I know this isn't a formulas and functions course, you came here to learn data vis, but the fact of the matter is, formulas and functions are critical components to enable some really, really cool functionality with advanced charts and graphs. So, during the demos, I'll talk about the formulas, I'll give you quick summaries of the formulas, but by no means will it be a comprehensive review of formulas and functions. Second, some of these demos are pretty easy. You might find some…
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Setting expectations1m 8s
Image overlay chart6m 1s
Binary ranges5m 2s
Automation with OFFSET and COUNTA7m 8s
Interactivity with form controls12m 30s
Animating changes over time14m 3s
Building a dynamic dashboard, part 116m 10s
Building a dynamic dashboard, part 212m 8s
Value-based formatting10m 10s
Dynamic series selection10m 26s
Custom pacing chart10m 23s
Custom gauge chart9m 58s
Visualizing percentages with arrays7m 16s