From the course: Excel for Sales Professionals

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Import data from a CRM

Import data from a CRM

- [Instructor] You might be wondering if there's a way to import data from your Customer Relationship Management system or CRM into Excel. You sure can. Here in our web browser, we have a typical opportunities report in and to get data from this, I could go up here and click this arrow and then click Export, but what that's gonna do is just dump the data into an Excel file with no connection so that data wouldn't be refreshable. So I'm gonna show you a better way. I'm gonna start in Excel and then I'll go to the Data tab, New Query, From Online Services, and then From Salesforce Reports. Okay, in this dialogue box, I can choose either production or custom. Most of the production is gonna work just fine, but if you have any issues, you can choose custom. I'm gonna choose production and then I'm gonna click OK and then I'll need to sign in with my Salesforce account. Okay, now I'm signed in and then I can go over here and click Connect and Excel will connect to…
