From the course: Excel for Sales Professionals

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Modify a template and chart

Modify a template and chart

- [Instructor] No template is going to be perfect for you right off the bat, but you can always make modifications once you've found a template that will work for you. For this video I'm using the 01_02 modified template workbook in the chapter one exercise files. I've already typed in our sample company name and added a logo, but I don't like this table color, so I'm gonna go to the table tools menu, click on design, and then in the table styles, I'm gonna browse around until I find what I like. You'll notice when I hover over each one of these, live preview gives you an example of what your data will look like, so you don't have to commit to anything one by one, you just hover over each one, find the one that you like. I'm gonna take this one, and when you click on it, that format will be applied. The next thing you can do on a broad scale in terms of changing Excel's overall appearance is changing its theme so go to page layout themes. I generally stick to the office theme because…
