From the course: Excel for Sales Professionals
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Query refresh options
From the course: Excel for Sales Professionals
Query refresh options
- [Instructor] Throughout the last few videos we've emphasized the importance of getting data directly from the source, using a query. That way, if the source data changes we can right-click, click refresh and get any new data. Well it turns out there are some options you can set for refreshing a query. Let's take a look at those options by clicking the data tab up here and then connections. And then we'll make sure that the query we're working with is selected and then click properties. Now, your Excel program might be different. You might see queries and connections here and then you'll need to right-click the query over here and click properties. So with that said let's go ahead and go over our refresh options. Enable background refresh will be selected by default. And we recommend keeping it this way. This allows you to keep working in Excel while the data refreshes. You can also choose this option here which allows you to set a refresh interval. So, if there's sales data that's…
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Import data from a database4m 1s
Import data from a CRM3m 42s
Import data from a file2m 38s
Cleaning up columns2m 40s
Import data from many files2m 42s
Query refresh options1m 55s
Copy and pasting data3m 54s
Cleaning up pasted data7m 46s