From the course: Excel: Productivity Tips
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Creating drop-down menus with Data Validation - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel: Productivity Tips
Creating drop-down menus with Data Validation
- [Instructor] All right, for this pro tip, I want to talk about one of my favorite Excel tools: Data Validation, and specifically, how to use Data Validation to create dropdown lists within cells. Now, quick summary here, Data Validation is all about limiting the values that a certain cell can accept. So you can say, I only want this cell to take whole numbers or positives or negatives, or date ranges, or data types like text or values. And you can access that menu from the Data tab, click Data Validation. Now within that Data Validation menu, you've got an option called a List. And the List option is the one that I use most frequently. That's what's going to allow you to create that dropdown menu containing a specific set of items. And you can either type those items directly in the dialog box separated by comments, or you can reference a cell range containing your list. Now, in this case here, we've manually typed them…
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Customizing the Excel footer4m 3s
Navigating workbooks with CTRL shortcuts8m 1s
Accessing ribbon tools with Alt key tips6m 53s
Accessing the Go To Special options4m 36s
Removing blank rows3m 17s
Creating drop-down menus with Data Validation7m 11s
Filling patterns with AutoFill and Flash Fill8m 26s
Customizing the Excel ribbon tools6m 53s
Splitting text to columns7m 39s
Synchronous scrolling across multiple workbooks2m 58s
Extracting unique values from a list4m 6s
Using named range and table references8m 12s
Protecting cells and formulas8m 9s