From the course: Excel: Productivity Tips

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Customizing the Excel footer

Customizing the Excel footer - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Productivity Tips

Customizing the Excel footer

- [Instructor] All right, so I want to start with a pretty simple productivity tip. This is a one-star tip, very basic, very easy to do. And it's about customizing your workbook footer stats. So the Excel footer bar, which lives right beneath the sheets or tabs, typically shows some basic metrics like sum, average, and count of a selected range of values. You know, so maybe you've got a work book like this with some weather data. You've got conditions, temperature, wind speed. If you were to select column C, you'll see that footer bar right beneath those worksheet tabs show some of those basic metrics like the average, the count, and the sum. And this is pretty helpful for just very quick spot checks, kind of calculate those metrics without having to actually write some average count or count A functions. Now, what I didn't realize for a long time is that you can actually right click that footer bar to access additional options…
