From the course: Excel: Productivity Tips

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Filling patterns with AutoFill and Flash Fill

Filling patterns with AutoFill and Flash Fill - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Productivity Tips

Filling patterns with AutoFill and Flash Fill

- [Instructor] All right, for this pro tip, I want to talk about populating values with tools called Auto fill and Flash Fill. Now this is a pretty basic productivity tip but incredibly powerful once you learn how they work. So a quick summary here, you've got your basic Auto Fill options that allow you to copy cells, add sequential series of values, fill values with or without underlying formats or apply date intervals if you've selected a date-specific cell. So all you need to do is drag or double-click, the lower right corner of a cell to access these Auto Fill options. So here's what one example of that might look like. Let's say you've typed the date; 1-1-2018 to Excel, drag that down six rows. Because that was a date field, you've got these date-specific Auto Fill options that allow you to fill those roles by day, like January 2nd, 3rd or fourth or in this case, by month; January 1st, February 1st, March 1st, et…
