From the course: Excel: Productivity Tips

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Splitting text to columns

Splitting text to columns

- [Instructor] All right, the next pro tip that I want to cover is splitting out text strings using Text to Columns. Now, if you have data that's stored as either a text file, a TXT, or a separated value file, like a CSV, comma separated values, then you can use text to column tools within Excel to split those values into columns and rows. In other words, you can convert it into a tabular format that you can then use for analysis. So I'm going to show you a couple options here. Option one, if your data looks something like this, you have a TXT file, right now I'm viewing it in Notepad, what you can do is simply open that text file from Excel to launch the Text to Column wizard. This will walk you through all the steps and then load that data delimited out into rows and columns. The second option is to open a CSV file into Excel, and what you'll see is something like this, where all of the data lives in column A, it's just…
