From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking
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From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking
Close strong and harness the momentum
- In-person design thinking workshop sessions are a cathartic activity for the participants. After being locked together in a room for an intensive week of creation, they finally have the start of a product they can work on together as a team over the coming months. Typically, the teams I work with leave feeling tired, but energized and excited. Even teams that have worked together before, comment that they now know each other better. These workshops are great team building activities. It's up to you, as the online facilitator, to create that same atmosphere in your video sessions. It's much harder to build and sustain that feeling across multiple, short online sessions. But by carefully recapping at the beginning of each session and listing achievements at the end of each session, you can help people see how they're contributing to a new design. Almost all of the output from your workshop sessions will end up in your…
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