From the course: Flexible Systems for Visual Identities

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Envelope design

Envelope design

- [Narrator] Envelopes assume you're using letterhead stationary in your visual identity. If you don't have need for a letterhead, then more than likely, you won't have need for envelopes either. So once again, it just depends on the specific type of business you're creating an identity for. But many businesses do require envelopes so let's take a look at envelope design. Here's a standard number 10 envelope, I believe in Europe they refer to it as something else but in the States it's called a number 10 envelope and this is pre-folded, meaning it's pre-constructed and we're gonna print on top of it. Now there's certain things you have to keep in mind that we're gonna go over in this movie regarding design and layout on an envelope and some of them are pretty critical. Here's one layout format we could do where it has a centered type of modular logo on the upper-left and then the contact information is a single line in the bottom left-hand corner. So this is one way you could form it.…
