From the course: Flexible Systems for Visual Identities

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Seal and badge logo motifs

Seal and badge logo motifs

- [Instructor] The categories of logo design I've itemized for this course is a simplification of reality. Meaning logo design is a very diverse discipline and how one approaches it for any given client is constantly changing. Design truly has no distinct, absolute rules when it comes to aesthetic and right when you think it does, someone breaks those rules, and a new trend starts to form. In this movie, we're covering seal and badge motifs but in reality, there are many designs that are similar to seals and badges without truly being one or the other. This is best shown, so let's dive into it. So, right off the bat, I'm gonna show you what, for lack of a better term, I call contained designs. Meaning they're not truly a seal and they're not truly a badge. They're logo designs. I created the one on the left for an investment services and the one on the right was created for an architectural firm. These are their names and the design motifs reflect, conceptually, what they do. An…
