From the course: Flexible Systems for Visual Identities
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Signage and banner design - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Flexible Systems for Visual Identities
Signage and banner design
- [Instructor] Public-facing marketing of a business is vital to engage a community and keep a company, product, or service's brand in front of the audience they're trying to reach. So laying out signage and banner designs is important to communicate effectively. So let's take a look at signage and banner design now. The first one we're gonna approach is the Tusk signage. Now, the background and proportions for this sign, this is what the layout is designed from, utilizes a white background. But notice how I've taken the modular, horizontal mark and I've broken off the brand mark, and I've now nested it within a field of black. This is gonna work well and guide our efforts in terms of this signage. This is the design grid, based off of the proportions of the sign we're gonna fit this to. And you can see how we've aligned things to this grid to retain the continuity. Now, applying it to the actual sign, this shows you what the sign will look like. And the application of this design to…
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