From the course: Flexible Systems for Visual Identities
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Vehicle graphics design - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Flexible Systems for Visual Identities
Vehicle graphics design
- [Instructor] One of the best ways for a company to promote, and let their audience know they exist and consider their product or services, is through engaging vehicle graphic designs. So let's take a look at how vehicle-centric design can help a business communicate more effectively. So, here is an example of how we've taken the Tusk brand and we've applied it to this vehicle graphic. We're even utilizing the same graphic motifs that we used on the business card, that we used on the letterhead, that we used on the folder, and that we used on the banner design. So it's a great way to incorporate those elements within the context of the vehicle, as well. Everything, as you're gonna see, ties together and it really creates the aesthetic of the overall brand vernacular. It's really important. This, actually, is a mock-up of this design on a vehicle. And if you're struggling to find really good vehicle templates, I highly recommend yellow images dot com. That's where I got this one, and…
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