From the course: Gamification of Learning
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Scoring is a large part of gamification. It can help determine the success or failure of your effort. Therefore, designers must carefully consider the formulas and approach they take for scoring learners. Without scoring, it's difficult for learners to judge their own performance and progress within a gamified event. So here are four things you should consider when it comes to scoring. First, make scoring and winning transparent. Avoid complicated algorithms or formulas. The learner should be able to link, directly, their actions and activities to a score. So they need to know what they need to do, to be successful. Make sure to determine what happens in various scoring scenarios ahead of time. Run scenarios to see what happens. If a learner gets every question wrong or every question right, or skips every question. Yes, it might seem like a scenario will never happen, but if you could imagine it, the learners will do it. You want to know of any potential problems ahead of time, not…
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Goals, rules, and objectives4m 28s
Conflict, competition, and cooperation3m 53s
Types of feedback4m 2s
Rewards and achievements3m 51s
Points, badges, and leaderboards4m 11s
Levels4m 27s
Storytelling3m 17s
Failure and replayability4m 19s
Scoring2m 46s